Thursday, August 26, 2010

Moscow: City of extremes

This has been the most extreme year in terms of...many things.

As many people here say, we experienced the coldest winter in 40 years, we were witnesses of the biggest snowfall in another 30 and, of course, the most sweltering heat in 130 years took over 2 months of our summer, followed by an asphyxiating blanket of smoke which turned the city into a ghost town. Suddenly, one day, the smog was over and the rain started, cleaning our lungs, minds and sky of that unbearable situation. No intermediate points. Otherwise, this would be what it is.

In more personal terms, I can say I have learned a lot about my own limits, too. From my ability to adapt to a very hostile environment, to let myself get involved in stories that I could have never imagined.

This already 11 months, god, time flies -in one direction only- have also been probably the most intense ones of my entire life. I have discovered amazing places, met unbelievable people and got to understand and even feel part of such a different culture and way of thinking.

Now I feel tempted to stay a bit more. But, is it better to leave a place when one thinks it has already given all the positive experiences and learning that one could have expected, or should there be another part of the story? Will it turn definitely worse or are there still things to surprise me?