Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The view from my window

So...Here I am...!

After almost two weeks trying to find a place to live, we are finally installed in a flat in the centre of Moscow. We live in Smolienskaya, very close to Arbat, one of the more famous and visited quarters of the city. I am living with three other guys who are becoming something close to a family for me here.

From one of our windows -the apartment is quite huge- we can see the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, one of the Seven Sisters, seven similar skyscrapers Stalin ordered to build after the Second World War. We have a lot of place to stay over in case you feel like visiting our palace (pictures coming soon).

About my first impressions of Moscow... This is a huge city. Real huge. I thing there more than 12 million inhabitants (depending on the source, even 15 million) and is very noisy, and very lively at the same time.  The traffic is a complet mess, there are roads with more than 14 lanes and endless traffic jams appearing out of nowhere. Our super landlord drove us to Ikea last week to buy all the basic stuff we needed for the house and it took us more than 2 hours to get there and 45 minutes to come back.

People are not the most pleasant in the world, but -as our russian teacher says- the are straight forward, they just tell you things as they are. She even says spaniards are hypocrites because they are always thinking something and saying the opposite. Might be somehow true.

And about partying... This is a veeery promising place :) We have been in some clubs so far and can say I really love the way they party here. Last friday we went to a place called Krisis Zhanra, kind of alternative with great ambience and good music! People are very friendly and talkative when they know you are a foreigner.

Para los que quieran venirse a descubrir la ciudad con sus propios ojos, podemos hacer una carta de invitación y agilizar los trámites de visado, pero hace falta que aviséis con tiempo, para planificar bien las cosas, que hay ofertas muy tentadoras de Aeroflot a medio mundo ;)

Pues esto es todo, intentaré actualizar este chisme de vez en cuando y compartir algunas imágenes de esta increíble ciudad. 

Biquiños besos kisses bisous buzka for everyone!


  1. ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? ¿Eres uno de los becarios ICEX nuevos?
    Yo soy profesora de ruso en la Sección Comercial de la Embajada, ahora les doy clase a Jon y Emma.
    ¡Muchas gracias por añadir mi blog a tus favoritos! Si tienes alguna duda o pregunta sobre cualquier cosa de la lengua rusa o de Moscú o de la vida aquí, escríbeme al profruso@gmail.com.



  2. Hey, tú!
    Como te lo estas pasando, por allí? Ya te sientes como en la nevera?
    Cuando nos dejas el próximo artículo?



  3. Moscu, hermosa pero cruel

